Seven Cities Proclaim World Industrial Design Day

Seven Cities Proclaim World Industrial Design Day

Mayors of the great design cities of Dublin (Ireland), Graz (Austria), Helsinki (Finland) and Torino (Italy) have signed proclamations to proclaim June 29 World Industrial Design Day, while pledges from Kauniainen (Finland), Ljubljana (Slovenia) and New York City (USA) have been made to sign the declaration.

These cities are joining Montreal (Canada), the first city to sign a proclamation in 2010, in commemorating this important day for industrial design.

These proclamations affirm the importance of industrial design to a city's social and economic development and reinforce the relevance of programming championed by Icsid within the international design community.

"World Industrial Design Day is an excellent way to highlight the societal dimension of design," said Mr. Jussi Pajunen, Mayor of Helsinki.

"Design has become a key driver for smart and sustainable cities all over the world. As World Design Capital 2012, one of the largest expeditions into design ever undertaken, we are committed to being a global forerunner in using design as tool to improve the quality of life of our citizens."


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