AIA Architecture Billings Index Downturn Moderates as Negative Conditions Continue

AIA Architecture Billings Index Downturn Moderates as Negative Conditions Continue

The Architecture Billings Index (ABI) pointed to a slower decline in July in design activity at U.S. architecture firms. The American Institute of Architects (AIA) reported the July ABI score was 48.7, up considerably from the mark of 45.9 in June.

This score reflects a decrease in demand for design services (any score below50 indicates a decline in billings). The new projects inquiry index was 56.3, up from mark of 54.4 the previous month.

"Even though architecture firm billings nationally were down again in July, the downturn moderated substantially," commented AIA Chief Economist, Kermit Baker, PhD, Hon. AIA. "As long as overall economic conditions continue to show improvement, modest declines should shift over to growth in design activity over the coming months."

Key July ABI Highlights

Regional averages: , South (52.7), Midwest (46.7) West (45.3), Northeast (44.3)
Sector index breakdown: multi-family residential (51.4), mixed practice (49.1), commercial / industrial (48.4), institutional (46.6)
Project inquiries index: 56.3


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