Stranger & Stranger have teamed up with winemaker Truett Hurst and retailer Safeway to launch an innovation initiative aimed at spicing up the look of the wine shelves.

Stranger identified 22 niches and buying occasions that might benefit from enhanced packaging and developed a patented bottle sleeve that contains everything from quotes to recipes.

"The idea came from our own No.13 pack. We created brands in a packaging format that stands out and adds value, interest and gifting opportunities," commented Kevin Shaw, Founder and Creative Director of Stranger. "The added real estate that the over sleeve gives us has allowed us to engage with people in a way that a tiny back label never can. Everyone just wants to pick up and read these packs.
The best ideas are the simplest and we made them look striking and very individual. The launch range is just hitting the shelves and we're developing new ideas every day."