John Evans Designs Concept Store for Bensons for Beds

John Evans Designs Concept Store for Bensons for Beds

John Evans Interior Architecture & Design has worked with Bensons for Beds and integrated communications agency, Public, to design a new concept store which transforms the way the retailers' beds are displayed and boosts turnover. The team focused on the concept store's interior to reflect the high quality of beds and bedroom furniture within the store.

Led by managing director, John Evans, the team worked on raising the quality of the interior in which the products are displayed to enhance their perceived value.

"Displaying a great value product in a high quality interior ensures it appears to be even better value to the customer," explained Evans. "Display is just one part. We addressed every aspect of the store from initial layout plans, highlighting the way customers walk around and view the store, to lighting and ceilings; every element is designed to ensure the customer feels at ease in store.

Fundamental to the design was the 'comfort zone concept,' the focal point of the store. The 'comfort zone concept' is all about the customer experience and satisfaction, an area where a range of beds can be tested and customers can choose the one that's right for them.

As a result of the store redesign, Bensons for Beds have recorded an increase in turnover and will be rolling out this concept across their estate over the next few months."

John Evans

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