BIID Boosts Education Team with Appointment of Claudette Williams

BIID Boosts Education Team with Appointment of Claudette Williams

The British Institute of Interior Design (BIID) has appointed Claudette Williams as Education and Events Executive.

Based at the Institute's Chelsea Harbour office, Claudette will help build, manage and support the organisation's education programme, including the CPD programme and the Institute's Professional Pathway initiative which will be introduced in 2013.

She will also be responsible for developing and running the Institute's events programme for members.

Claudette's background in education, events and business development makes her ideally suited to the role. Previously, she was employed as the Business Development Manager for Educational Events and Courses at the Royal College of General Practitioners. She is experienced in working with membership organisations and volunteers from within a profession.

"I am incredibly excited to be part of an organisation that is making such significant progress on behalf of its members in both its education and events programmes," commented Claudette.

"We have great plans to build on recent successes, especially with the launch of Professional Pathway next year and the annual Institute Conference which proved a great success this year".

British Institute of Interior Design

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