The Crayolascope - An Analog Depth Display

The Crayolascope: An Analog Depth Display

Fake Love's Blair Neal crafted a childhood-inspired interactive experience with children's Crayola Glow Books in his latest project, "Crayolascope," an independently crafted analog depth display.

The interactive installation, which previously appeared at the NY Hall of Science in Queens, NY as part of an educational series on children's animation, was also featured at the recent World Maker Faire at the New York Hall of Science.

Using 12 of the 4 clear plate-layered, draw-on Crayola art flipbooks, Neal hacked together a charming prototype of what a one-foot deep 3D display might look like. "This would be a similar concept to animating some of those famous depth paintings on dozens of panes of lit glass," Neal noted.

The Arduino Mega microcontroller board was used as the driving force behind the installation, which hosts an animation that consists of a traced image of a cube that Neal digitally animated and printed out frame by frame. The interactive experience allows users to control the speed, scrub position/frame as well as create a fade effect.

"I wanted to imagine that this is what it would look like if a 12 year old made this contraption that hacked together a bunch of toys to make what they imagined would be a high-tech volumetric display," Neal added.

Fake Love

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