i29 Creates New Workplace for Combiwerk Delft

i29 Creates New Workplace for Combiwerk Delft

i29 has designed offices, restaurant, lobby and meeting areas for Combiwerk Delft, a Social Workplace (SW) company that offers custom work to people who, due to a physical, psychological or mental limitation, are not able to find a regular job.

The ambitious attitude of the company is striking. There is a strong, positive culture. The new design aims to clearly reflect this. Despite the limited resources and a clear wish for a sober approach, the building and decoration had to radiate quality. It had to convey attention and involvement, in order to stimulate a sense of pride in its users. An environment that supports that valuable work is being done here.

The building was designed by VMX Architects and has a total surface area of 8500 m2. For the interior, which includes 4000m2 of office spaces, a company restaurant, the career square, entrance ways and a lobby, i29 interior architects was consulted.

People with disabilities are often pigeon-holed. Such a 'box' is only a part of the story and often there are many nuances. Based on this 'theme' the custom-designed furniture contains many 'boxes' in various colour nuances and variation possibilities, together with the angular carpets, they form colourful islands in an otherwise grey world.

A social workplace must be social; that was the point of departure for all the parties involved. Social involvement was therefore the main theme in the design and realization on various levels. At the level of the design, i29 aimed for empowerment by creating a serious and distinguished interior. In terms of sustainability, where possible, the studio aimed for recycling and re-use. All the wooden chairs in the atrium were bought second-hand and are restored by a colleague SW company. Also the furniture for the 4000m2 office space, including desks, chairs, cabinets and filing drawers was bought secondhand, restored and customized to the new colourscheme.


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