Lambie-Nairn Renames and Rebrands Adoption Lobbying Group

Lambie-Nairn Renames and Rebrands Adoption Lobbying Group

Lambie-Nairn has created a new name and brand for Adopt a Better Way, the awareness organisation that promotes and supports change within the UK's adoption system.

Previously known as "Adoption with Humanity," the new name and brand has been unveiled ahead of National Adoption Week.

With adoptions in the UK coming to a virtual standstill over the last decade, Adopt a Better Way has focused on putting adoption high on the government's agenda and now plans to build on this success by pushing for real reform.

Lambie-Nairn won a pitch in July against a number of undisclosed agencies and has been working on the lobbying group's brand strategy, values, name and brand identity.

The new brand identity directly reflects Adopt A Better Way's dedicated mission to change the UK adoption system, and to ensure it works for the children it sets out to help.

The visual identity aims to illustrate the shocking statistics of the UK's adoption system in a creative and engaging way.

It takes complex adoption stories and translates them into a distinct, graphic language with bold photography and colour.

Lambie-Nairn has created a brand that promotes awareness in a powerful way and, as the new name suggests, points towards a change in attitude.


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