Transparent House (TH) has created the detailed vision of the future for the 702-acre redevelopment project currently underway on San Francisco's old Hunters Point Naval Shipyard. Ultimately expected to generate more than 12,000 permanent jobs, 10,500 residential units and 320 acres of parks and open space, as shown in the new TH renderings which artfully combine 3D and photoreal objects, the development will also provide considerable retail and office space.

"Our role began with developing a complete and accurate 3D model of the development site, and updating buildings as new architectural drawings have become available," explained Denis Krylov, TH Principal. TH designed more than 30 building types and rendered them as temporary placeholders for those not yet finalized. Those structures include some biotechnology buildings, mixed-use commercial spaces, and more townhomes.

Based on its standard workflows developed over the past eight years, the TH team carefully analyzes all input, which usually consists of CAD drawings or 3D models like Revit or Sketchup. Missing information is added as those elements are converted into detailed models in Autodesk 3ds Max.

"Once a model is built, we add entourage elements," said Krista Mollion, TH Principal. "A lot of them come directly from our library of 3D elements, like trees, light poles, benches, cars, and street signs. We give a lot of attention to lighting: It really makes or breaks images. This is when the work really begins coming to life.

We have focused on allowing everyone - from the developer to members of the community, and everyone in between - to better visualize what the site will come to look like. According to our client, this represents the first time they've seen the full picture of the site in such amazing detail, and we were especially proud to see our rendering featured recently on the front page of the San Francisco Chronicle."