2013 IDA Congress Istanbul

2013 IDA Congress Istanbul

Istanbul Technical University will host the 2013 International Design Alliance Congress from November 15 through 17, 2013.

Under the theme "Design Dialects", the congress will encourage a dialogue about the value of design-based collaboration between the disciplines of industrial design, communication design, interior architecture/design with government leaders, INGO's, business, science and technology, education and the social sciences.

The proposed theme is a metaphor for confrontation, conversation and collaboration to enable creation and exchange of discourses about, for and by design during the professional dialogues among its different agents.

The unique culture and the congress theme will be weaved together to offer participants a stimulating programme and exciting social events.

"Istanbul is a living design lab where the city is experiencing a 'design renaissance' characterised by increasing internationalisation, rapid expansion and the diversification of design education," commented Dr. Alpay Er, Head of the Department of Industrial Product Design at ITU and head of the local congress organising committee.

"We strongly believe that the IDA Congress will mark a milestone within the perspective of positioning Istanbul as a leading actor within the global design network."

Update: This event has been canceled.

ITU Department of Industrial Product Design