TYPO Berlin 2013 - TOUCH

TYPO Berlin 2013: TOUCH

TYPO Berlin 2013 will be held from May 16 through 18, at the House of World Cultures. The theme of the conference will be "TOUCH."

Well-designed products and services - that's what we love. Particularly successful design is, therefore, functional and touches our hearts.

Designers and experts from the art industry, the media and business will meet for three days of presentations, debates and workshops dealing with the "touching" moments of design.

About 1,200 designers, typographers and media-makers, plus 70 journalists and bloggers from all over the world are expected to attend the biggest European design conference.

"We like to touch and be near well-designed products," commented conference director Jurgen Siebert.

"This has always been the case. However, today it also applies to screen interfaces, which want to be in touch with the user all the time.

The relationship between between wo/man and machine has become a tender one. We have, therefore, invited renowned designers, artists and corporate people to focus on this phenomenon next year during a prolonged Pentecost weekend in Berlin."

more: typotalks.com (313)

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