Vectorworks Cloud Services Now Offers Versioning

Vectorworks Cloud Services Now Offers Versioning

Nemetschek Vectorworks has released a new version of its Cloud Services mobile application, Vectorworks Nomad 1.0.9, and desktop application, version 1.0.14.

Among various fixes and improvements in the Nomad 1.0.9 application, users can now access previous versions of Vectorworks files synchronized to their Vectorworks Cloud Services account, allowing them to view the history of changes and markups in each project.

"As Vectorworks Cloud Services has grown in popularity, we have received more and more feedback from users regarding their wishes for the future. File versioning has been a frequent request, so with this release, we added an easy-to-use version control," explained Dr. Biplab Sarkar, CTO of Nemetschek Vectorworks.

"This is another element added to the type of collaborative workflow that our Cloud Services supports. In addition, we plan to release an Android version of our mobile application in the very near future."

With Vectorworks Cloud Services, users can access and share files and make design decisions from any location.

Changes to users' Vectorworks files will be automatically synchronized to their private cloud storage, allowing them to browse, annotate and share their designs from web-enabled devices using the Vectorworks Nomad mobile application.


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