RIBA Boyd Auger Scholarship 2013 - Call for Entries

RIBA Boyd Auger Scholarship 2013: Call for Entries

The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) is calling for applications for the RIBA Boyd Auger Scholarship 2013.

The scholarship aims to support applicants in their personal, professional and academic development within the architectural field by providing them with an opportunity to undergo a period of imaginative and original research and travel.

In 2013, one Scholarship worth £5,000 is available to individuals or groups of students and graduates for a period of international travel (which can also tie in with a period of international work experience).

Applications for funding international travel associated with architecture-related work in non-governmental organisations or as part of broader research at postgraduate level (namely towards Masters or PhD/MPhil programmes) are also welcome.

The Scholarship was established in 2008 in memory of Boyd Auger, following a generous donation from his widow, Mrs Margot Auger.

Since then, it has funded 8 architecture students and graduates to travel outside the United Kingdom to work or conduct research on topics and in locations of their choice.

The deadline for applications is June 3, 2013.

more: architecture.com (362)

Royal Institute of British Architects

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