SVA BBC Design Documentary Film Festival 2013

SVA BBC Design Documentary Film Festival 2013

The 2013 SVA BBC Design Documentary Film Festival, a full day of rare and groundbreaking BBC films - many of which will be screened for the first time in the United States, will take place at the SVA Theatre on West 23 Street on March 17.

The festival, curated by Steven Heller, co-chair of the MFA Design Department at SVA, and Adam Harrison Levy, faculty member in the MFA Design Criticism Department at SVA, celebrates documentary film as a form of narrative about design.

This year's Festival will explore everyday and iconic objects-from the bra and deodorant to the Harley Davidson and the London Underground map.

Highlights include Cracked Actor: David Bowie, the 1975 profile of David Bowie at the most vulnerable time of his life, and Chelsea Hotel, a film about the historic residence as seen through the eyes of the artists who lived there including Andy Warhol, William S. Burroughs and others.

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School of Visual Arts