LOGAN Designs Immersive Museum Exhibition

LOGAN Designs Immersive Museum Exhibition

LOGAN has stepped into the exhibition space with Spectacle: The Music Video, a traveling museum show set to hit four major cities - Cincinnati, Sao Paulo, NYC, and Melbourne - in the coming year. The exhibition provides an immersive look at the history-so-far of the music video, exploring 40+ years of filmmaking and music with a Herculean assemblage of physical, web and print components.

Spectacle 01
Spectacle 02

Alexei Tylevich, LOGAN's Founder, collaborated with Jonathan and Meg Wells to create the exhibition - devising the show title, classifying and defining the various thematic groupings within the show (In the Beginning, Art House, Epic, Agent Provocateur, etc.) and determining the best way to display the various videos.

Spectacle 03
Spectacle 04

Alexei and LOGAN conceptualized and implemented the "Spectacle" branding and the overall identity for the exhibition itself, along with all associated materials, video, print and web components. LOGAN was responsible for every aspect of the exhibition design - from 3D installation to projections, displays, typography, signage system, 2D wall graphics and objects.

"Spectacle" originally opened in Cincinnati, Ohio at the Contemporary Arts Center, after which it traveled to Sao Paulo, Brazil and was displayed at the Museum of Image and Sound. The exhibit is currently open for its second stateside run at The Museum of the Moving Image in Long Island City, New York, where it will remain until June 23rd. It will eventually migrate to Australia and be on display at the Australian Centre for Moving Images in Melbourne from September 26th to March 2nd, 2014.

"This exhibition gives a fantastic overview of the origins and the history of the medium," Tylevich said. "In addition to the amazing video content, my favorite components are the physical artifacts that we were able to get: sketches, props, objects used in the making of the actual videos."

Photos: Eric Harvey Brown


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