European Hotel Design Awards 2013

European Hotel Design Awards 2013

The 16th European Hotel Design Awards is now open for entries. The Awards is part of Sleep, a stand-out event for the hotel design industry, comprising 2 days packed with a hotel design and development talk's programme, major exhibition, and a showcase of built hotel concepts.

"Every year we review feedback from previous awards, consider the types of project we may be seeing in this year's entries and consider the overall process," commented Simon Ford, Chair of the judging panel.

"One of the things we have seen over recent years has been the emergence of bars as stand-alone design features and so this year they will be having their own award.

We have also been challenged previously in comparing very high- end projects with very simple, budget ones - equally well-designed but for different customers with different budgets, and this year we are going to recognise both within each category if the need arises."

The deadline for entries is June 14, 2013.

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