Ignite: The Diabetes Ideas Challenge invites designers, engineers, and innovators from around the globe to submit ideas that may shape the features and design of a next-generation disposable insulin delivery device, through either iterations of existing technology or entirely new designs.
Challenge concept submissions must meet the following three criterias:
Accessibility - Usable by a broad population, including the young or old, people with strong or weak hands, or others with impaired hand use or vision.
Appropriateness - Easy to integrate into daily life, while being robust and of high-quality. Device should be portable and aesthetically pleasing in terms of form.
Functionality - Meets functional requirements as a medical tool. Devices should enable accuracy, functionality for extended periods without electricity, and ability to store more than one dose per disposable device.
The deadline for submissions is May 10, 2013.
more: igniteideaschallenge.com (270)