AIA Elects Elizabeth Chu Richter as 2015 President

AIA Elects Elizabeth Chu Richter as 2015 President

Delegates to the American Institute of Architects (AIA) national convention in Denver elected Elizabeth Chu Richter (AIA Corpus Christi) to serve as the 2014 AIA first vice president/president-elect and 2015 AIA president.

Currently a member of the AIA National Board of Directors representing Texas, Richter was president of the Texas Society of Architects in 2007.

With the National AIA component, she has taken a strong interest in rewarding design excellence, serving on design juries, as chair of the AIA Gold Medal and Firm Award Advisory jury, a member of the AIA Regional and Urban Design Award jury, and multiple AIA component design awards juries. Her own design contributions were recognized in 2001, when she received an AIA Young Architects Award.

Richter is the CEO of Richter Architects in Corpus Christi, Texas. Her firm offers a wide variety of master planning, programming, design, interior design, construction documents, construction administration, and construction management services. Richter Architects received the 2011 Texas Society of Architects Firm Award.

"I'm hoping that my leadership will help bring the AIA into a more member-focused future, building greater public engagement and understanding, while also refining the Institute's leadership structure and operation focus," commented Richter. "More than ever, the repositioned AIA will be highly valued and globally relevant in its service to society in building a better world."


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