Herman Miller Living Office - A Holistic Solution for the New Landscape of Work

Herman Miller Living Office: A Holistic Solution for the New Landscape of Work

Herman Miller has launched a new compelling vision for workplaces, based in research and promising a new dynamic of value and shared prosperity. Herman Miller's Living Office is a naturally human integration of people, ideas, tools, furnishings and spaces, to create a more desirable workplace.

Living Office helps people and organizations uniquely express and enable their shared character, activities, and purpose, promoting employee engagement, creativity, productivity, and wellbeing, and ultimately greater prosperity for all.

download: 2013 Workplace Trends.pdf (75k)

Living Office Research

Powerful mobile technology and seamless information networks allow work to happen anywhere, at any time, driving a shift in the fundamental purpose of the formal office. What was once secondary-camaraderie, connection, spontaneous interaction, and group expression-is becoming primary. Bringing people together, in proximity or direct collaboration, to power their ultimate creativity and performance, is the essential purpose of today's office.

For more than two years, on six continents, surveying hundreds of organizations in diverse industries, multiple Herman Miller research programs are exploring the changing nature of work and place. Among key findings, a large majority (between 75 and 99%) of facilities managers in all regions indicated that creating spaces to 'improve employee engagement' was a strategic priority. To achieve this, 'creating a sense of community and belonging' was a top workplace strategy on all continents. By 2015, non-dedicated team areas are anticipated to be the single largest allocation of space (averaging 35% of the office), as dedicated individual workstation space continues to decline (between 11-22%, by region). This reflects the practical realities of today's mobile, collaboration-intensive workstyles. Herman Miller's research reveals the typical workstation is unoccupied 60% of the day, with private offices averaging 77% vacancy. Likewise, conference rooms are rarely used to capacity, as people increasingly prefer less formal meeting spaces within the office.

Data like this led Herman Miller to a deeper understanding of global work and a comprehensive new workplace design strategy. Living Office reflects and supports people's fundamental need for interaction, creation, and motivation, and a belief that richer levels of personal engagement will create greater levels of performance and well being, for both individuals and organizations.

Creating a Living Office

The company's research identified and defined ten primary Modes of Work (for individuals and groups) and ten related Settings offering a complete range of dynamic spaces. These modes and settings are universal to today's global work experience, though Herman Miller emphasizes there is no single solution for an optimal workplace. Each organization's Living Office should be wholly unique, grounded in the distinctive mission, values, culture, and activities of its people, while serving its corporate strategy and objectives.


Herman Miller researchers found people engaged in ten key behaviors; three Alone (Process/Respond, Contemplate, Create) and seven Together (Chat, Converse, Co-Create, Divide/Conquer, Huddle, Show/Tell, Warm Up/Cool Down). The research offers detailed, compelling definitions for each, such as, "Divide & Conquer...a team with a common goal finds it valuable to work on individual components of a project while maintaining close proximity to one another. Working in parallel helps resolve issues quickly and enables spontaneous collaboration. Developments and content are shared among the group as the goal is reached." With thorough understanding of the behaviors and needs of a given department, team, and individual, Herman Miller believes it can help customers create potent workplace settings that enhance individual engagement and organizational performance.


Living Office provides ten unique settings optimized to support specific work modes, including Haven, Hive, Jump Space, Clubhouse, Cove, Meeting Space, Landing, Workshop, Forum and Plaza. Like modes, the settings offer specific office design solutions, "Landing...adjacent to Meeting Spaces or Forums. Prior to a meeting it provides a gathering space for attendees. After, the visual link between the landing and its meeting space aids memory and helps drive work in this setting. Furniture and tools that welcome a brief gathering enhance the utility of each Landing." Each of the ten settings are distinct in purpose, scale, and social support, and can be designed in great variety using a wide range of furniture.


Composed from a bespoke selection of settings, Living Office landscapes bring an organization's workplace strategy to life, enabling talent to thrive through choice and community. In a Living Office, people will have real options and know where to go for their personal and group needs and wants.

Herman Miller

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