canaLIDO Wins RIBA Forgotten Spaces Top Prize

canaLIDO Wins RIBA Forgotten Spaces Top Prize

canaLIDO, a proposal to bring back to life the Lancaster Canal Basin by creating a sense of community through the construction of a lido, has won the Royal Institute of British Architects' Forgotten Spaces competition.

"This is a great idea and an example of a design that would breathe new life into a disused area of Preston," commented County Councillor Jennifer Mein, leader of Lancashire County Council. "The great thing about this concept is that it brings the canal close to the community through the facilities that surround the basin. This, along with all the other shortlisted designs are superb examples of how to transform the forgotten areas of Preston."

The competition saw architects, students and designers put forward innovative concepts which would re-connect redundant and neglected spaces across Preston with the community. The competition is for ideas only and it is not intended to commission the plans, however it is hoped that the entries will provoke discussion amongst landowners, local authorities and investors about regeneration via a grass roots approach.


Aynsley Gray & Jamie McAllister
canaLIDO is focused on bringing a dying canal back to life and reinventing the dilapidated canal basin using the historic concept of a lido. It will also bring activities in the surrounding area together in one place.


Shelf Life
OSC Design - Oliver Beasley & Chris Blake
A multi-storey farming estate comprised of farmers markets, a pick-your-own supermarket and education facilities, specialising in innovative farming practices.


Woven in Cotton
Luke Petty & Gillian Harrison
Fabric produced and dyed on site is woven through forgotten weinds, yards and alleys to create shelter for a craft market and fashion show that celebrate Preston's textile heritage and creative future.


Calderpeel Architects - Kathryn Timmins, Shona Scales, James Mellor, Michael Park, Patrick Taft, Ewen Miller & Andrew Lightfoot
The Avenham Viaduct cantilevered extension hosts craYarc, a White Clawed Crayfish 'Arc' site which rears the native crayfish in preparation for river restocking. craYarc seeks to rebalance the Ribble Ecology and reconnect Prestonians with the River.

Daniels Thiede Architects - Ralf Thiede, Caroline Barker, Jack Doyle & Mike Daniels
The sculptural quality of the car park is celebrated by a looping board walk reminiscent of a seaside pier which wraps itself around the existing structure.

The Water Grocers: a Floating Market and Community
Andrew Lees with FFLO (Claire Fernley and James Fox)
The proposal is a new combined model of dwelling, economic activity (independent farmers' market), and a new transient urban space in the form of a floating market square. This transforms the dead end of the canal into a vibrant destination.


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