Heneghan Peng Architects has won the international competition for the new building for National Centre for Contemporary Arts (NCCA) at Khodynskoe Pole in Moscow.

"This proposal positions the NCCA building as a vertical element at the centre of Khodynskoe Pole rising above shopping moll Aviapark. The verticality concentrates the activities on the ground to create an intensity at a single point in this vast space.

Given the scale and relative sparsenesss of activities in the area, the aim is to concentrate the flow of people to generate an excitement and energy which can then expand into other areas as the park develops. In this proposal, the exhibition spaces are designed as a series of stacked galleries allowing people to either visit a particular gallery of interest or browse through the entire collection.

The advantage of the vertical organisation is that galleries are quickly accessible, allowing one to go straight to a single floor without moving horizontally though layers of gallery."
Images: Luxigon