Autodesk has launched Character Generator, an easy-to-use cloud tool that facilitates the rapid creation of customized, rigged and ready-to-animate 3D characters. The app features an extensive collection of male, female and fantasy characters, from which users can blend two different sources to create an original design.

Autodesk Character Generator offers virtually limitless selection of skin, eye, hair, clothing and shoes to choose from and targeted blending options to refine characters on a per feature basis. Once designed, characters can be exported for a wide range of applications - from populating game scenes, to learning animation and modeling, generating models for pre-visualization, design visualization and more.

Formerly dubbed "Project Pinocchio," a popular Autodesk Labs experiment that resulted in the creation of thousands of characters, Character Generator was designed with customer feedback integrated throughout development, and houses a robust library of pre-built male, female and creature characters.

Character Generator requires five cloud credits per high-resolution character download for customers on Autodesk subscription or rental plans. Students and educators receive free access to the product, and a lighter version of the app for creating low-resolution and crowd characters is accessible for anyone to try at no cost.