Ideas City 2015 - Street Architecture Competition

Ideas City 2015: Street Architecture Competition

New Museum, Storefront for Art and Architecture, and NYC Department of Transportation have announced a competition for the design and construction of an outdoor structure - a work of "Street Architecture" that facilitates new forms of collective gathering and engagement with the city.

The 2015 edition of Ideas City will take place in downtown New York from May 28 to 30, 2015, and is the third iteration of the biennial Festival organized by the New Museum in partnership with the Architectural League of New York, Bowery Poetry Club, Cooper Union, the Drawing Center, and Storefront for Art and Architecture.

The theme, The Invisible City, will be an invitation to explore the question of visibility and related dynamics, including transparency and surveillance, citizenship and representation, expression and suppression, and participation and dissent, as defining forces within the contemporary city.

The deadline for registrations is January 23, 2015.

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Storefront for Art and Architecture