Henning Larsen Foundation Announces Film Competition Winners

Henning Larsen Foundation Announces Film Competition Winners

The Henning Larsen Foundation has announced the winners of its international competition on architecture and film. This year's theme was the experience of architectural space over time.

The competition, which garnered 118 entries from 23 countries, aims to revitalize the use of architecture in film and inspire architects and filmmakers.

The entries were evaluated on their artistic quality and ability to inspire a new approach to architecture and the medium of film.

"Architecture is closely related to other art forms - not only to photography, drawing and writing, but also to film and music," commented Troels Troelsen, Chairman of the Henning Larsen Foundation. "It speaks to all the senses, and changes expression over time. Architecture is an abstract art form that does not take real shape until occupied and activated by movement through space."

The three films will be shown during the Architecture and Design Film Festival in New York, October 13 - 18,.

Henning Larsen Architects

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