3D Printing Materials Conference 2016

3D Printing Materials Conference 2016

The 3rd Edition of the 3D Printing Materials Conference will be held January 26-27, 2016 at MECC Maastricht, in The Netherlands. The conference offers attendees a platform on the crossroads of science, technology & business in 3D printing materials.

The topics of the presentations include 3D Printing of Sustainable Concrete Structures - From a Black and White Printer towards a Colour Printer, Application of Resorbable Lactide based Polymers in 3D printed Medical Devices, 3D-Printing of Self-Healing Supramolecular Materials, Materials properties are key to the mechanical performance of your prints!, Guide to optimize print parameters for an LBM process, Fracture-driven design, Materials based challenges in 3D printing, Material Development for Fused Deposition Modeling, Embracing compliance in robots to achieve function, Designing and fabricating Flexible Metamaterials to bridge the gap between Matter and Machine, and Broadening the use of technical ceramics.

more: 3dprintingmaterialsconference.com (249)