SEGD Wayfinding Event 2016

SEGD Wayfinding Event 2016

SEGD will hold its annual Wayfinding event in Miami this April at the Miami International Airport. The two day event starts on Thursday April 14th with a full day of talks and dialogues focused on learning for transportation, workplace, education, and healthcare environments.

The morning session will focus on Transportation Wayfinding with talks centered on the expansion and improvements at the Miami International Airport, led by Labozan Associates and the internal team at Miami International and second session focusing on the 3Vs of Wayfinding for Transportation environments led by Gresham, Smith, and Partners, another leading expert in transportation wayfinding.

The afternoon will consist of sessions led by experts in workplace and education wayfinding systems as well as a session on best practices for healthcare wayfinding. The day will wrap up with a much anticipated keynote from SEGD Fellows Chris Calori and David Vanden-Eynden with their perspective on the state of wayfinding and practice.

Friday April 15th will consist of a tour of MIA airport's new facilities.