Eight Designs Annual Report for Noble

Eight Designs Annual Report for Noble

Eight recently designed the Noble Group's 2015 Annual Report, titled "The Business of Essentials." The design of the report is driven by photography, both of raw materials that are at the heart of Noble's business as well as of the Board of Directors and Management Committee.

The Annual Report showcases the raw materials and products that Noble Group trades: coal, oil, metals, minerals and energy. Specific products were photographed in isolation against a plain background to highlight their texture and colours to introduce each of Noble's businesses, while full-bleed close-up images of the materials' textures were used as section dividers.

Portraits of the Directors and Management were shot by AJL Photography using Kino Flo lighting systems to capture the subjects' faces in a candid, unvarnished manner. "We aimed to show through the Annual Report the people behind Noble, with 'up close and personal' shots that are consistent with the concept of 'The Business of Essentials.'" said Bjorn Fjelddahl, Partner at Eight.

These styles of photography complemented each other by presenting a tonally similar expression of simplicity. Furthermore, the art direction also evoked the same clarity with the use of a reduced palette and simple geometric shapes for graphical elements.


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