The Bench 2016 Design Competition

The Bench 2016 Design Competition

The Bench is an idea based design competition open to all ages and backgrounds. The challenge is to design and install a temporary structure on a street to transform the street environment to a form of public space.

The competition will unfold in three stages: selection by jury; construction and seasonal use, and an exhibition of entries. The winning entry, selected by the jury, will be constructed for public use during the 2016 Summer/Fall.

All entries will be documented and exhibited for public viewing, to generate awareness and discussion about 'street as public space.' The organizers of the competition will facilitate ongoing discussions on the topic during the use of The Bench and will seek ways to disseminate it (i.e. donate to a public school/park) at the end of the season.

The deadline for registrations is July 20th, 2016.