SAH Publication Awards 2016

SAH Publication Awards 2016

The Society of Architectural Historians is accepting nominations for its 2017 Publication Awards. The program includes five awards that will be presented at the Society's 2017 Annual International Conference.

Alice Davis Hitchcock Book Award: Presented for distinguished scholarship by a North American author in the history of architecture.

Philip Johnson Exhibition Catalogue Award: Presented for excellence in published exhibition catalogues.

Antoinette Forrester Downing Book Award: Presented for an outstanding publication devoted to historical issues in the preservation field.

Elisabeth Blair MacDougall Book Award: Presented for distinguished scholarship in the history of landscape architecture or garden design.

Spiro Kostof Book Award: Presented for work that focuses on urbanism and architecture and provides the greatest contribution to our understanding of historical development and change.

The deadline to submit is Monday, August 1, 2016.

Society of Architectural Historians

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