TYPO Berlin 2017

TYPO Berlin 2017

The 22nd TYPO Berlin will be dedicated to the diversions of our time - digital communication, mobility and virtual reality. In more than 60 presentations, workshops and panel discussions, designers, developers and creatives from all over the world will take a look at the cravings of an era.

Visual communications occupy a central role in society these days. At home and at the office, we deal with interfaces; on the Net, we click on texts and symbols; when we're on the go, we are guided and informed by smart services and apps. Digital texts and images enrich the human environment. They guide us, they light a fire under us; usually they help us, but often they lead us astray.

"You only get ahead if you keep moving. The more we optimise our digital products, the greater the danger that we'll lose sight of the goal - people. For that reason alone, it's beneficial to occasionally take a step back and allow yourself a diversion," stated Jürgen Siebert, Director of TYPO. "A creative industry that doesn't enrich people's lives is blind in one eye. wanderlust opens our eyes again."

more: typotalks.com (245)