4th Boston Design Week - Call for Events

4th Boston Design Week: Call for Events

A 'Call for Events' has been issued for the 4th Annual Boston Design Week, a 12-day citywide design festival taking place March 29 - April 9, 2017. Non-profit organizations, government agencies, businesses, individuals and designer collaboratives are invited to propose events for Boston Design Week.

In 2016, over 11,000 design enthusiasts attended more than 80 events that took place in nine neighborhoods of Boston and in ten towns in the Greater Boston area. Proclaimed 'Boston Design Week' by Mayor Martin J. Walsh, businesses, organizations and individuals opened their doors to the public with exhibitions and programs for families, professionals and students.

All events are open to the public and most are free of charge and include guest speakers, product design, open houses, graphic and web design, behind-the-scenes tours, film screenings, fashion shows, design competitions, museum exhibitions, panel discussions, receptions and more.

The deadline for registering an event is January 23, 2017.

more: bostondesignweek.com (156)