COX Architecture's Design Selected for North Queensland Stadium in Townsville

COX Architecture's Design Selected for North Queensland Stadium in Townsville

COX Architecture's design for the new North Queensland Stadium in Townsville has been selected as the winner in an invited competition organized by the Queensland Government.

"The stadium design is an expression of tropical Queensland and North Queensland in particular," commented Richard Coulson, Director of the Project. "It combines structural, functional and operational aspects of international modern stadiums with engagement of the environment that is quintessentially Queensland.

"The stadium provides an identity for the region and an important contribution to the city. Through the development of a 'fan first' approach to the design of the stadium and its use to create a sense of place and belonging, we have forged a unique architectural and engineering response that can only be 'of this place.'"

Features of Cox Architecture's North Queensland Stadium concept design include:

- Corporate facilities, amenities, permanent concessions and state-of-the-art IT throughout
- An open, grassed terrace at the northern end to allow views to the city and Magnetic Island
- Generous arrival plazas and landscaped greens
- Sports lighting incorporated into the stand roofing, eliminating the need for light towers
- Stormwater run-off management to protect the water quality of Ross Creek
- Environmental sustainability initiatives, such as low energy LED sports/broadcast lighting and opportunities for solar generated power
- Options for future further development on the site.

COX Architecture

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