David Brier Completes Rebrand for 70-year Old Nonprofit

David Brier Completes Rebrand for 70-year Old Nonprofit

The United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) of Philadelphia underwent a rebrand after a 70-year run with its brand (the UCP being one of the most recognized health nonprofits in the U.S.).

In 1946 in Philadelphia, six parents came together to make a better life for their children who had been born with cerebral palsy. Initially called the Cerebral Palsy Society, the group embarked on fundraising campaigns to help support direct care services and spread awareness of cerebral palsy, its causes, and its effects.

In 1950, this young organization became affiliated with the national United Cerebral Palsy Association and changed its name.

Last year, the organization hired David Brier and his firm, DBD International, to rebrand the organization for its next era of growth. This involved a new name, a new story and an entirely new brand identity.

The new name BLOSSOM is accompanied by the new tagline, Independence Grows Here, capturing the goal of "helping people dealing with disabilities to live independent lives and given Philadelphia is the home of Independence for the united States, those three words take on new meaning."

DBD International

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