Adobe Releases Source Han Serif, Pan-CJK Typeface

Adobe Releases Source Han Serif, Pan-CJK Typeface

Adobe has today released Source Han Serif, the second Pan-CJK typeface family from Adobe Type, and the serif complement to Source Han Sans.

These open source typefaces were developed in response to a need for a unified typeface design to serve the 1.5 billion people in East Asia. This font harmonizes design across languages and provides designers with a single solution for creating unified content for roughly one-fourth of the world's population.

Source Han Serif, coupled with Source Han Sans, comprise the largest-ever open source typeface families. Source Han Serif alone features 65,535 glyphs and seven weights, supporting Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, as well as Latin, Greek and Cyrillic alphabets. This undertaking was driven by collaboration between Adobe and Google, as well as partner foundries to complete design work: Sandoll Communications in Korea, Iwata Corporation in Japan, and Changzhou SinoType in China.

Source Han Serif is available for immediate desktop and web use via Adobe Typekit as well as GitHub. It is also available via Google under the name Noto Serif CJK.


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