World Design Organization to Present 2017 World Design Medal to Hartmut Esslinger

World Design Organization to Present 2017 World Design Medal to Hartmut Esslinger

The World Design Organization has named Hartmut Esslinger, founder of frogdesign, as the recipient of the 2017 World Design Medal.

"The decision was unanimous," commented Brandon Gien, Senate Convenor of the WDO Senate Selection Committee. "Esslinger's body of work is revolutionary, particularly around the guiding principle of emotion before form, which has defined the modern consumer aesthetic."

"He is a legend in industrial design, renowned for his collaboration with Steve Jobs and Apple," added WDO President Mugendi M'Rithaa. "We were very much impressed by Esslinger's global reach and his continued influence among young industrial designers today."

WDO launched the World Design Medal in celebration of its 60th anniversary and to showcase exceptional industrial designers from around the globe who are driving positive change in the world through design. A Selection Committee, made up of our active Senators, selects the recipient following an open call for nominations.

World Design Organization

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