Caruso St. John Refurbishes Kvadrat Soft Cells Design Studio

Caruso St. John Refurbishes Kvadrat Soft Cells Design Studio

Caruso St. John recently completed the new Kvadrat Soft Cells studio in Copenhagen. Caruso St. John refurbished a historic warehouse in the industrial harbor of Copenhagen and transformed what was a heavy industrial space into an airy design studio.

In collaboration with Kvadrat Soft Cells, Caruso St. John chose a mis-matched collection of loose furniture, European classics from the 1960s classroom along with more recent pieces. With four windows on its long side facing the docks, the six meter high space, spanning 2 doors is bright and lofty to accommodate the core team from Kvadrat Soft Cells. The space was built to facilitate a special combination of acoustics research, design development, prototyping and communications.

Caruso St John Architects

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