FutureProof - A Public Space Symposium by NXT City

FutureProof: A Public Space Symposium by NXT City

by Christine

What's the future of public space? How can cities get ahead to position themselves as global leaders? From civic innovation to disruptive ideas that challenge red tape, meet the top leaders pushing the limits of public space around the world.

The speakers include Mirik Milan, Night Mayor of Amsterdam; Shin-pei Tsay, Gehl Institute; Enrique Norten, Ten Arquitectos; Archie Lee Coates IV, PLAYLAB, INC.; Jennifer Samson, RiverLA; Nigel Jacob, Boston Mayor's New Urban Mechanics Lab; Ryan Gravel, Sixpitch; Nataly Gattegno, Future Cities Lab; and Maria Mingallon, Arup.

The two-day event will feature a special roundtable session, public space tours, and an after-party to be held at a secret warehouse location.

more: nxtsymposium.com (163)

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