DMI:Academic Design Management Conference - Next Wave - Call for Papers

DMI:Academic Design Management Conference - Next Wave: Call for Papers

Around the world, a mass movement of design researchers and practitioners are using their capabilities to enable innovation in complex systems and organizations across public and private sectors alike. The 21st DMI: Academic Design Management Conference, 'Next Wave,' will address the new design knowledge being created, the new forms of practice emerging, and how research and practice can stimulate and learn from each other.

The conference will feature, keynotes, paper sessions, R+B (Research + Business) track, and a dmi:FuturED Workshop to debate and discuss global design education and the skills designers that need to acquire to ensure success. Topics include; Design, Design Thinking, Innovation, Design Research, Design Practice, and Design Management.

Each day of this two day conference will open with a keynote presentation by noted academic and industry leaders, followed by multiple sessions running along concurrent tracks - multiple Academic Paper tracks and 1 practitioner-oriented R+B (Research + Business) track. The final afternoon will feature a dmi:FuturED Workshop to debate and discuss global design education and the skills designers that need to acquire to ensure success.

DMI will publish and disseminate the full conference proceedings at the DMI website. The 2018 Design Management Journal will feature the top peer-reviewed papers.

The deadline for abstract submission is February 7, 2018.


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