Morpholio has launched Trace Pro for iPhone that intends to transform site visits by importing key components of the design process into the Construction Administration Phase. The app lets users to draw a perspective in seconds for a field change, measure drawings and photos for smarter markups, or use scaled maps to adjust a window to the best view or solar orientation.
"CA is the crux of the process and built work. Design does not just happen at your desk, and there is absolutely no reason it should have to," stated Anna Kenoff, Morpholio Co-Founder. "We have the most advanced tools for every step of the process. Why would we not want them during construction?"
"Trace is an unparalleled place to think in scale. Now with its own exportable project format, sharing drawings is like sharing ideas. You can send a Trace drawing to anyone, and they can share back with their own changes, notes, and new layers," added Mark Collins, Morpholio Co-Founder. "TracePro will always strive to create the right mix by balancing the thinking that occurs between the eye, hand and mind, and the thinking that happens between collaborators and teams."

AR Drawing on Site
Use iPhone AR to get the exact perspective grids, then sketch any design changes, corrections or modifications in seconds. You can also capture the view in the field and bring it back to your iPad for more detailed drawings.
Fast Scale
Take a photo of any site condition; register the scale and then markup anywhere. Use the stencil or text tools for clear annotations and clouds. Then, save the notes, sketches and markups for a field report or send it back to your team instantly from the site.
Full Drawing Sets in your Pocket
Use the multipage PDF feature to import and markup full sets of drawings anywhere. For some extra magic, key your on-site photos to any drawing in the PDF. So whether you're on a job site, traveling by plane or simply sitting with your client, you can now have full sets of drawings on your iPhone with you everywhere.

Scaled Site Maps
Walking a site for the first time? Something in the field does not match the site plan? Now you can instantly pull a scaled map to review or design on. Measure site boundaries, a distance between trees or setbacks effortlessly in situ. Imagine a scaled globe to design on in your pocket...
Smarter Photos
Simply register the dimension for a wall and then you can measure everything else on it; on site or when you get back to your desk.