CXI 18 - Corporate and Brand Identity Conference

CXI 18: Corporate and Brand Identity Conference

On June 15, the largest European corporate and brand identity conference will once again bring together experts from agencies and companies, presenting strategies and solutions for developing and implementing CI and branding projects.

Selec­ted cli­ents and agen­cies will be sho­w­ing how things look from both si­des of the part­nership, iden­ti­fy­ing pro­blem areas and pre­sen­ting so­lu­ti­ons. They will give in­sights into the com­ple­xity and sheer bre­adth of what is in­vol­ved in de­fi­ning a pro­ject, brin­ging cla­rity to de­si­red out­co­mes, de­ci­si­ons that are made to achieve these, and the re­sults that can be ex­pec­ted.

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