SIA Announces Results of Archi-Skin Design Competition

SIA Announces Results of Archi-Skin Design Competition

Singapore Institute of Architects has announced the results of the inaugural Archi-Skin Design Competition.

In the increasingly complex role in which the urban metropolis plays in natural ecology, the design of the Architectural Skin in the urban context becomes crucial. This competition aims to be a platform for the consolidation of the best examples of Architectural Skin as well as the place for the ideation of what Skin can be for Architecture.

Completed Projects Category Winner

The Edge by HB Design
The Edge is a large curvilinear building that creates a dramatic profile in the dense city of Pune, India.

Conceptual Design by Professional Category Winner

Corrigarden by A.M. Architects
Corrigarden combines the ubiquitous potted plantings found in many HDB corridors, regularizing and systematizing it into an architectural aesthetic.

Conceptual Design by Student Category Winner

Ramp by Fong Shi Yuan
The scheme extends the ambulatory ramp, attenuating it into an architectural feature across the entire elevation of the HDB block. The design proposal uses the length and width of the ramp to incorporate the existing lift core while creating a series of social spaces at the landings.

The winning entries will be on view at SIA Building through March 15, 2018.

Singapore Institute of Architects

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