L'Accostée House by Bourgeois/Lechasseur Architects

L'Accostée House by Bourgeois/Lechasseur Architects

Bourgeois/Lechasseur Architects recently completed the L'Accostée House located in the Adstock area, on the shores of Lac St-François. The studio was asked to rebuild the house, while preserving the natural surroundings and keeping the open space on the edge of the lake.

The original foundations were kept to provide a large storage area. A terrace with spa was built on top of the old house footprint, with wide stairs leading to the lake. This architectural gesture takes the form of an agora and becomes the cornerstone for the new house. The slope of the site is also integrated into the design: the interior spaces flow into one another as they follow the natural slope of the land. From the access road, passers-by can see the upper level and the garage, while on the lake side, three levels rise elegantly above the ground, revealing a facade articulated by a series of angles and wide openings. The project seems to cling to the original house location, leaning backwards through the forest leaving the bank clear. The discreet entrance along with the open facade on the lake create a strong duality.

Photography: Adrien Williams

Bourgeois / Lechasseur Architects

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