Young Guns 16 - Call for Entries

Young Guns 16: Call for Entries

Young Guns 16, the industry's only global, cross-disciplinary, portfolio-based awards competition that identifies and celebrates today's vanguard of young creatives age 30 and under, is now open for submissions.

The program is open to creatives age 30 and under who have been working for at least two years, full-time or freelance. Eligible entrants can submit a combination of professional and personal work in graphic design; advertising art direction and copywriting; architectural, environmental and interior design; industrial and product design; digital (UX/UI, experiential design, interactive, web design, apps, game development): film and animation (motion design, television, video); fashion; typography and lettering; illustration and photography.

Young Guns competitions regularly attract entries from upwards of 70 countries, with more than half of the entries coming from outside the US. Winners will be selected by a jury made up of past Young Guns winners and other creative leaders, to be announced shortly.

The deadline for submissions is June 15, 2018.

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