BIID Inside Knowledge Conference 2018

BIID Inside Knowledge Conference 2018

The British Institute of Interior Design's (BIID) 2018 annual conference, 'Inside Knowledge 2018,' will take place on November 8 at 30 Euston Square, London and will provide interior designers with invaluable knowledge and practical sessions to support them in their professional careers and help them grow their business.

"Our members are looking for informative sessions that make a real difference to how they develop their business and their brand; Inside Knowledge 2018 will provide exactly that," BIID President Charles Leon commented. "Following the success of the refreshed format of the 2017 conference, which welcomed experienced speakers from across the design spectrum, we are continuing in a similar theme this year. With a packed schedule of engaging talks, networking opportunities and real-life case studies planned throughout the day, attendees will gain an increased understanding of the key issues currently facing the industry, and the best approaches to develop a successful and robust design business for the years ahead. We're looking forward to what is set to be an interesting, insightful and hugely beneficial day for all interior designers."

As the only conference specifically designed for and by interior designers in the UK, the Inside Knowledge 2018 conference will feature talks from a range of experts in the sector. This will include presentations, panel discussions and 'success stories,' focussing on key strategies and career turning points.

Photo: Courtesy of BIID

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British Institute of Interior Design

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