Alegre Design recently unveiled the Actiflex desk and the new Pad Chair, two versatile and flexible school furniture pieces, conceived to promote collaborative work. Created for Federico Giner, the collection brings mobility into the classroom, favoring the teamwork, communication and learning associated with the new era, while conserving the values of quality, safety and durability that distinguish this brand of furniture. It allows the configuration of the classroom to be varied quickly, quietly and efficiently to generate spaces that motivate students and stimulate learning.
Actiflex is a line of desks featuring differentiated geometric silhouettes to allow mobility in the classroom and the configuration of the desks in flexible and variable groups. Actiflex is offered in four models - square, square with wheels, triangular with wheels and rectangular - which enable the generation of hundreds of combinations and facilitate the interaction of 2, 4 and up to 10 people, always looking to the front, set out individually, grouped, and in circular and horseshoe formation, among others.

Pad Chair arises from the reinvention by Alegre Design of the classic writing-pad chair of Federico Giner. It enhances the user's experience and improves communication and teamwork. "Ergonomics, mechanical resistance and durability. These are the premises of Pad Chair," said Marcelo Alegre of Alegre Design. "The overriding concern has been to make the chair safe for the student to use. Its design prevents trapping and collisions, since all sharp edges have been eliminated, favouring very rounded edges."
Pad Chair rests on a welded metallic structure that provides mobility to the swivelling pad, facilitating its use by left- or right-handed students. The movement and adaptability of the pad favors optimum posture and capacity for movement. The lower part of Pad Chair incorporates a space with considerable storage capacity where schoolbags can be stowed. The whole structure is supported by large-diameter wheels that facilitate movement within the classroom.