Capital One has today released the results of it's 2018 Work Environment Survey. The survey asked full-time professionals their thoughts on workplace design and environment as it relates to their productivity, innovation, and collaboration with colleagues.
The results of the 2018 Work Environment Survey are both a reflection of workplace design as it is today in five major markets (NY, DC, SF, Chicago and Dallas) and nation-wide, and what employees want and expect from their workspace. They examine how important America's workforce considers workplace design (and breaks it down to a couple sub-categories including millennials and executives) and assess the importance of workplace design on innovation and productivity.
download: 2018 Work Environment Survey Results Overview.pdf (1MB)
Flexibility is crucial
Professionals increasingly want to work at companies that accommodate a variety of work styles with flexible design, workspaces and hours. In fact, 85% of office professionals surveyed believe flexible workplace design is important and 83% said they have their best ideas when working in flexible space options. Flexible schedules also prove to be crucial to talent attraction and retention - 73% of workers say a flexible schedule is in their top two reasons to stay with a company, and flexible hours was the number one thing workers cited when asked what they expect from their next employer (58%).

Tech expectations
Employee expectations are high across the board, and technology is no exception. A majority of professionals (85%) across the country say it's important that their next employer be an early adopter of technology, quick to invest in and implement new tech.
Office design drives innovation
For the second year in a row, the majority of office professionals believe companies can't encourage innovation unless their workplace environment is innovative (79%). Those at the executive level feel even more strongly about this, with 87% agreeing office design is key to encouraging innovation.
Design elements in vogue
The most desired design elements for workspaces include: natural light (57%), easily reconfigurable furniture and spaces (37%), artwork and creative imagery (30%), collaborative spaces (30%), and a tie (25%) for bold colors and spaces for rest and relaxation.

Options impact productivity
Offering different kinds of workspaces for employees is crucial, as 80% of respondents say they are more productive when they move to a different room or environment while working.
Location meets its match
When considering a new job, 2 out of 3 (66%) full-time professionals believe that workplace design and environment is equally important or more important than office location. Executive level employees feel even more strongly about this, with more than 3 out of 4 (76%) saying workplace design is as, or more, important than location.
Craving health & wellness benefits
Most office professionals said their company doesn't currently offer mother's nursing room (82%); environmentally friendly programs (77%); quiet, reflective spaces (72%); or onsite health center/wellness programs (71%). When asked to prioritize a single onsite benefit, the top responses were healthy food and beverage options (39%); onsite health center/wellness programs (33%); relaxation/social areas (32%); and quiet, reflective space (29%).
Photo: Adam Auel, courtesy of Capital One