SBID Launches New Student Competition - Designed for Business

SBID Launches New Student Competition: Designed for Business

The Society of British & International Design (SBID) has launched 'Designed for Business,' a new national competition for creative students and graduates across Interior Design, Product Design, Fashion and Art.

Students are invited to enter their final year project for a chance to win a substantial prize of £30,000 which aims to help the winning student to pay of their debt, establish a business or create an idea for a commercial venture.

The Awards ceremony will take place in November at the House of Commons. The judging panel includes Sebastian Conran - designer and founder of Sebastian Conran Associates; Jane Hay - International Managing Director of Christie's Education; Philippa Prinsloo - Design Manager at John Lewis; Mara-Christina Alvarez-Talty - Senior Product Manager at Amazon, Hans Galutera - Founder of HG Designworks, Margaret Talbot - Marketing Manager at VitrA.

The competition is open to UK students. The deadline for entries is August 31, 2018.

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Society of British & International Design