Brown&co Designs Anadolu Efes Sports Club's New Logo

Brown&co Designs Anadolu Efes Sports Club's New Logo

Brown&co has recently designed a new logo for Anadolu Efes Sports Club, one of the biggest basketball teams in Turkey. Even though the club has been around since 1976, supporters and players have never really connected to the team's emblem - a flat red, white and blue star - saying that it lacks depth and meaning.

The studio was tasked to progress the symbol and overall identity of the club (building in relevant mental and emotional equity) and in so doing, mark a new era for the club as a whole. "As with many sports, basketball in Turkey is almost a religion, meaning that any changes to iconography can often be met with the same iconoclastic abhorence," explained Troy Wade, Brown&co. "The challenge, then, was to attempt to 'add' to what was already in existence with the Anadolu Efes identity (rather than to change it), adding relevant emotional and mental equity to the current, somewhat flat and lifeless, badge."


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