Service Design Days 2018

Service Design Days 2018

The third edition of Service Design Days, a cross-boundary conference for entrepreneurs, managers and influencers who are involved in product and service innovation and the (digital) transformation of organizations, will be held October 5-6 at the Disseny Hub Barcelona. The event focuses on service design for decision makers and connects strategic designers with business strategists and vice versa.

The 2018 program offers two days of insightful masterclasses and case studies, and new views and knowledge from experienced keynote speakers. Two new elements have been added to the program: participative lectures and round table sessions.

Attendees will learn from researchers, innovators, professors, service design managers, customer experience strategists and strategic design thinkers how to become ready for change. They will get inspired by stories from small start-ups to large corporates how to re-invent your business.

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