Robot Food Brings Wagg Pet Food Back to Life with Rebrand

Robot Food Brings Wagg Pet Food Back to Life with Rebrand

Robot Food has rebranded Wagg, bringing playful clarity to the pet food aisle. Wagg's no frills, locally sourced, pet food was facing stiff competition from supermarket own-label. The IPN brand needed a fresh start and turned to Robot Food to rethink, reposition and rebrand their range of complete food and treats.

"Research revealed dog owners were being made to feel guilty about what they fed their dogs, especially if they weren't buying the most expensive products," said Zoe Harper, Brand Strategist at Robot Food. "Not only this, customers were faced with a confusing dog food aisle that lacked structure or direction."

It was time to shake off the old, get playful with the rules and amplify Wagg's offering to create something ownable. "The name Wagg was the perfect starting point and begged for a new brand mark with all the personality of our furry friends," explained Martin Widdowfield Creative Director at Robot Food. "It also inspired a completely ownable photography style for the brand, stepping away from the repetitive and cliquish dog images typically seen across the category. We chose a broad selection of tails to celebrate all dogs, from man's best friend sat on the sofa to the best in show.

"We looked at the entire range with a strategic eye and put a lot of consideration into how we segment such a broad range clearly - part of which was choosing to drop Wagg's premium SKU to strengthen Wagg's 'quality at an affordable price' positioning. It was about blending big personality with functionality."

Such a recognizable mark and photography style meant that the team were free to use color to aid the shopping experience. The color palette chosen reflects the lifestyle of the modern customer; bright, friendly and accessible without being unnatural.

Images: Courtesy of Robot Food

Robot Food